ドキュメンタリー映画『あい』〜精神障害と向きあって〜 | Reviews
ドキュメンタリー映画「あい 精神障害と向きあって」オフィシャルサイト。上映情報、ストーリー、制作意図、出演者・スタッフ情報などを公開しています。
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Here are inserted the reactions I have collected during the past screenings.

I want to thank the people who participated, and gave me their opinions.

Thank you.

Please feel free to send us your own,

As I read your comments I want to schedule a screening session one more time at home!

1st of December 2015 Kitazawa Town Hall

In Japanese here

For our first public screening, as we were offered to screen three times in Kitazawa for our Premiere, we had the pleasure to show our movie in front of more 500 people with various backgrounds. 

Members, along with composer Yoichi Togawa, lyric writer Ayumi Nakajima, singer Waka Toko climbed on the stage, as the director committee and main characters of this movie, and explained the origin of the movie theme song. It was the first public interpretation of the song. Then, in front of the large assembly, members of Ai workshop gave their own testimony during a brief talk session. 

2nd of February 2016 Screening in Kochi

In Japanese here

A screening session of 「Indigo Love Facing Mental Handicap」 has been held at the Memory Center for Freedom and People’s Right Movement during a public holiday.  Three screenings in one day. It was hosted by the executive committee of the Center.  

For the first screening we were honored with a standing ovation, then for the second and third screenings, there was not enough seats. It was the first screening we made outside of Tokyo. A lot of people wrote back their feelings as reviews (in Japanese)

14th of February 2016 Screening in Hiroshima

In Japanese here

After Kochi, Matsuyama, a screening was also held in Hiroshima. Hosts were 「The association for the promotion of Indigo Love Documentary」. We had the pleasure to be supported by people we did not know before, and quite unexpectedly, 130 people came to watch the movie. And more than the half wrote back their feelings that you can find here in the review ( in Japanese).  

My heart was deeply touched by the reviews full of the memory of parents and people present there.

17th of February 2016 Profesional Intership in Home Healthcare

Writing in progress

We were kindly indvited to screen our movie on the occasion of a Professional Intership. A lot of Health care professional came to see our movie, thank you.